I love Virginia and the conservative values the people of Virginia hold dear in their hearts!
Hi, I’m Amanda. I have been the strongest voice for our small businesses, the leading champion for our 2nd Amendment, a strong advocate for Pro-Life, leader for our family values and a fighter against the socialist agenda going after our Liberties and Constitutional Freedoms.
Virginia needs strong, relentless, “tried by fire” leadership, who will fight against the growing anti-American philosophy in our state…
I have not been a career politician as many of my opponents, and I will represent “We The People” as a Governor of Virginia. I promise every Virginian that I will represent YOU first and foremost. I promise every Virginian that I will fight for liberty and constitutional freedoms while over-hauling the broken system in the state, from education to elections.
A note from Amanda…
Standing comes at a cost. President Trump came inches from losing his life, standing for us. When most would have retreated, he charged forward. He is the epitome of courage, bravery and overcoming fierce persecution. President Trump is an inspiration to us all.
Watching the persecution of President Trump as they came after him personally, politically, financially, to include multiple failed assassination attempts, has hopefully opened your eyes.
President Trump is not alone. Other politicians including myself have also suffered persecution for taking a stand against the political establishment.
While nothing compares to what President Trump endured, those who have followed my journey know that I’m no stranger to political persecution and opposition from the political establishment.
For standing against the authoritarians, I’ve endured an illegal censure for standing with President Trump on J6, had a plexiglass wall built around my desk on the floor of the Virginia Senate for refusing to wear a mask for standing against Covid mandates, had my committee assignments and seniority stripped from me and put in the corner of the Democrat controlled Senate floor for stating the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen. I stated the truth. The 2020 Presidential Election was stolen and presented numerous bills to put the guardrails back on our elections.
The political establishment paid operatives to take me out, personally, politically, professionally and financially. And yet I stood.
I stood up for your gun rights, your right not to wear a mask or be forced to get the Covid jab. I called for a full forensic audit of the 2020 Presidential election, paper ballots and hand counts on an election day, not a season.
For standing, I was a victim of lawfare and years of harassment by a former disgruntled aide.
I have a history of standing up for you. I’m battle tested and proven.
Of those running for Governor you have to ask yourself, do all of the candidates have a history of standing or folding?
Did they accept the covid mandates in 2020 or did they stand up and fight for your individual rights?
Did they defend President Trump when he correctly claimed that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen or did they just go along with Liz Cheney who tried to instead prosecute and imprison those standing up for our Constitutional Republic?
Did they stand up for you when it wasn’t popular to do so and when they would face personal persecution?
You can count on me. I’ve stood up for you in the past, and you can count on me to stand for you in the future.